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Offshore Oil and Gas – Major opportunities for Irish suppliers

Offshore Oil and Gas – Major opportunities for Irish suppliers

6 Dec 2013

Irish companies prepare to win business linked to new finds – Minister Rabbitte

Pat Rabbitte TD, Minister for Communication, Energy and Natural Resources, today (Wednesday 12 June 2013) told over 70 companies and 100 participants how they can be supported in accessing major business opportunities linked to current offshore oil and gas exploration activity. He was speaking at an event organised by Enterprise Ireland and Achilles Group Ltd highlighting the opportunities for the Irish supply chain to win business linked to recent and future activity in offshore oil and gas. Winning this business will position these companies to internationalise their offering in global markets and increase the volume of export business and new jobs for Ireland.

Today’s seminar will enable Irish companies learn more on how they can get involved and win business in this sector. The recently announced Regional Seismic Survey, positive indications at Barryroe off the coast of Cork and the current drilling on the Dunquin field, has clearly put the spotlight on the potential opportunities in this sector for Irish companies. These contracts potentially include a wide range of support and critical functions required by oil and gas exploration companies to complete exploration projects in Irish waters. There is considerable potential for indigenous Irish companies to win part of this business.

Representatives of leading multinational oil and gas companies shared their knowledge and experience with the delegates, along with supply chain management firm Achilles, which has offices in Dublin. The company works on behalf of the world’s biggest oil and gas companies to scrutinise their supply chain and ensure suppliers and contractors adhere to the highest possible standards.

Speaking at the event Minister Rabbitte said: ‘I look positively at the renewed interest in the Celtic sea, the outcome of the 2011 licensing option round and more recent developments such as the Regional Seismic Survey and activity at Dunquin. These augur well in terms of opportunities for Ireland and business opportunities for Irish suppliers, and for jobs and related spin-off benefits. I urge Irish companies to demonstrate a robust commitment to health and safety, compliance and ethics, to maximise their chances of being selected for new business opportunities linked to these developments.

‘We can see from success of our neighbours the UK and Norway the long term economic gains associated with the finds can be enormous. Those gains have been achieved over successful exploration and development programmes over the last fifty to sixty years. We also have been active; we have had significant regulatory reform, adapted licensing terms and actively promoted interest in the Irish Offshore. As a Government, our priority is very much on ensuring the economic dividend is focussed for this long term benefit of our country and citizens’.

Tom Kelly, Enterprise Ireland, Head of Manufacturing, Global Sourcing and Competitiveness. ‘This could be a very exciting time for Ireland’s oil and gas industry, and related sectors. Along with the opportunities in Ireland there are, of course, the larger global opportunities in offshore oil and gas which is currently undergoing major investments in the North Sea and elsewhere. Companies in Ireland that can supply into the Irish offshore opportunity will find a ready market on the global stage. Enterprise Ireland’s overseas office network will work with the industry to maximise these opportunities’.

Adrian Chamberlain, Chief Executive of Achilles, said: ‘Achilles was founded in the oil and gas sector more than 20 years ago and we are delighted to share with the Irish sector our experience of raising industry standards across the world. We believe success in Ireland could present potential business opportunities for many types of companies; not just those already working in the oil and gas sector.

‘Achilles enables businesses of all types and sizes to have a ‘shop window’ in front of, and be considered as suppliers by, some of the world’s biggest oil and gas companies’.

Pictured L to R: –

Tom Kelly, Manager Manufacturing, Global Sourcing, and Competitiveness, Enterprise Ireland, Tony O’Reilly Chief Executive Providence Resources and Adrian Chamberlain Chief Executive Achilles Group.

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