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WEBINAR: Working Internationally – Updating Stockholm’s Metro to meet the needs of a changing city

WEBINAR: Working Internationally – Updating Stockholm’s Metro to meet the needs of a changing city

3 Mar 2020 -

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Stockholm is a city undergoing big changes. As one of the fastest growing cities in Europe, it has seen its population swell to over two million in the last ten years. All these new people mean the city’s infrastructure needs to grow and adapt too.

Public transport in Stockholm is undergoing a period of major development, which is opening up major opportunities for suppliers.  The government, Region Stockholm and four municipalities are investing SEK 30 billion to build 20km of new Metro track and 11 new stations. The increased capacity will help the city’s residents, new and old, get from their newly built homes to their newly created jobs.

Join us on March 3rd as Pia Lindberg Nedby, Head of Procurement at the Stockholm Extended Metro Administration, provides an overview of the exciting project of expanding Stockholm metro.

  • Gain insight into which opportunities the project offers for suppliers, and how they source, select and manage this complex project.

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