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WEBINAR: COVID-19 Pandemic Preparedness for Business

WEBINAR: COVID-19 Pandemic Preparedness for Business

8 Jul 2020 - Online

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Effective COVID-19 pandemic preparedness for business means more than identifying the factors that could impact your ability to operate to your full potential. Putting a system in place that protects the interests of key stakeholders, your reputation and your ability to generate revenue is key.

Data from the Business Continuity Institute (BCI) Supply Chain Resilience Report 2019 documented that 51.9% of organisations experienced supply chain disruption in 2019. Fast forward to 2020 where we are facing constant disruption due to COVID-19, our data in March showed that 3,800 suppliers in the Achilles Network were at financial risk if the COVID-19 crisis lasted for more than 6 months.

Because of this, we launched survey to capture additional supply chain data from a range of regions, sectors and business types on their business continuity planning during COVID-19. The survey ran between 26 March and 12 May 2020.  

Are your suppliers as prepared as you’d like them to be? Join our webinar on 24 June at 2pm to hear the survey results, understand the impact on your supply chain and discover our recommendations for better business continuity planning and supply chain resilience.

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