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Scope 3 Emissions: how to measure, manage and report on them

Scope 3 Emissions: how to measure, manage and report on them

20 Oct 2022 - WEBINAR - 10:00 | GMT

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Climate change is just one topic on the sustainability agenda as businesses strive to reduce their carbon emissions, and become more environmentally and socially ethical. According to our last year’s Global Sustainability Priorities Report, 51% of the companies in our survey say they make no attempt to measure their carbon emissions. Given the increasing regulatory emphasis on decarbonisation of business in EU countries and the UK, it’s clear there is more to be done when it comes to carbon measurement and reduction.

On the other hand, businesses committed to measure, manage and report on their carbon emissions struggle to understand how to report on their scope 3 emissions and this is what we cover in our webinar, first aired in March. Join us to have the ‘how’ and ‘where’ to get started with measuring, managing and reporting on scope 3 emissions.

Why attend?

One of the key drivers changing the reporting environment is government net zero targets. These targets aim to reduce emissions and achieve net zero across Europe and the UK within a certain timeframe depending on the country.
In the United Kingdom, the government has also put in place procurement notices, such as the PPN06/21 last year which requires measurement, management and reporting of prescribed Scope 3 emission activities.

From a brand and reputational point of view, it is essential that businesses don’t short of hitting their targets. ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) and GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) are playing an active role in this space. The increased pressure coming from investors and key customers has also been noticeable in the last few years.


  • What are scope 3 emissions?
  • Value chain mapping
  • Measuring and reporting on scope 3
  • Inventory and reduction strategy
  • Creating a business case for scope 3 reporting
  • Q&A


Mike Tournier, Carbon Reduction SME, Achilles

Mike has an impressive domestic and international experience in Environmental Services and Carbon Management. He has been the Executive Director of the Carbon Market Institute, the Australian Peak Industry Body for Carbon Professionals, and has worked as General Manager Global Operations for one of the world’s largest and most successful Carbon Developers. Mike has also been a Board Member of The International Carbon Reduction and Offset Alliance (ICROA) during his time working in the City of London and has worked with some of the largest UK carbon neutral businesses.