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Workshop: How Audit Can Drive Successful Supply Chain Transparency and Due Diligence 

Workshop: How Audit Can Drive Successful Supply Chain Transparency and Due Diligence 

Wednesday 28 August 2024 | 10:00 and 11:00 CET | 1 hour, Venue: Stavanger, ONS Meeting room 06, Hall 10

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Achilles invites you to join this interactive session to explore the role of Audit in the energy supply chain transparency due diligence process with Achilles’ Head of Assessments, Per Øyvind Hinna, and Head of ESG, Adam Whitfield

Why attend? 

Energy companies must respond to new supply chain regulation and establish new types of supply chains to support the shift to green energy, global disruptions and competitive pressures.  

Legislation is increasingly moving towards businesses having to conduct greater levels of verification of their supply chain and Audit is an important tool in the verification process, specifically mentioned as part of the  OECD’s Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct. Procurement and sustainability leaders are also increasingly leaning on Audit as a tool to help drive ESG supplier improvement and build a greener, more ethical global supply chain.  

Join us and other energy industry peers for this complimentary Achilles supply chain audit seminar on location at ONS 2024 where Achilles audit experts will explore the role of Audit in helping energy organisations to meet increasingly challenging supply chain objectives and regulatory requirements.  

Session topics 

This session will explore the role of supplier Auditing in the context of achieving ambitious and challenging ESG objectives and meeting supply chain legislation including:  

  • What is involved in a supplier Audit 
  • How sustainability legislation is evolving and the role of audit to meet new obligations 
  • Why some Audit approaches may fail 
  • Best practice Auditing for better sustainability outcomes 
  • How to incorporate Audit into your supply chain due diligence and management processes 
  • Real-world examples of Audit in action 

You will walk away from this session with answers to your vital Audit questions, a copy of the slides and recommended actions to help you achieve your goals. 


This is a free in-person event open to eligible energy professionals. Places are limited.  

Workshop Reservation Form

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