
This course is designed to provide an overview of the regulatory requirements for the procurement of Concession Contracts. The course will address the Concession Contract Regulation 2016, defining what constitutes a Concession Contract, addressing the procedural requirements, including valuation and remedies available to suppliers.
Who should attend?
This course is designed for those in Public Sector and Utilities who need to understand the rules applicable to service and works concessions, how to award and how to manage. It is aimed at procurement practitioners, operational stakeholders, and contract managers.
Learning outcomes
The course will enable you to be able to understand and identify what constitutes a Concession Contracts. You will also be able to differentiate between contracts under the PCR2015 and Concession Contracts under the CCR 2016. The course will enable all delegates to understand the tendering procedures and how to value and categorise Concession Contracts, and to understand the key objectives in applying the legislation and ultimately reduce the risk of supplier challenge.
Agenda ½ day 10.00 – 13.00
· Defining concessions contracts under CCR 2016
· Thresholds and exclusions
· Concession notices and means of communication
· Duration of concession contracts
· Procedures and award criteria
· Notification requirements
· Rules on modifications
· Case-law of Court of Justice