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Scope 3 Emissions: measure, manage and report

Scope 3 Emissions: measure, manage and report

15 Mar 2022 - WEBINAR

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COP26 brought to light the importance of reducing and reporting on your Scope 3 emissions, also known as value chain emissions.

Scope 3 represents the largest source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, can account for up to 90% of a business’s total carbon footprint, and are arguably one of the most complex and challenging issues facing Environment and Procurement Professionals today is how to measure and report on Scope 3 emissions.

For organisations setting Net Zero targets, it is generally accepted that a company must undertake a full scope 3 screening exercise, to quantify emissions against all 15 subcategories of the GHG corporate value chain (scope 3) accounting standard.

There has been a significant increase in demand for this, driven by companies who want to be able to adopt a Net Zero strategy and/or compliance with the UK governments procurement requirements update PPN06/ 21.

Our webinar will examine the impact of Scope 3 emissions, how to effectively and efficiently measure, manage and report within your business and down the value chain using the new ISO14064-1:2018 Standard which aligns with the WRI GHG accounting protocol and SBTi.


  • Introductions
  • What are scope 3 emissions?
  • Value chain mapping
  • Measuring and reporting on scope 3
  • Inventory and reduction strategy
  • Creating a business case for scope 3 reporting
  • Q&A


Mike Tournier, Carbon Reduction SME, Achilles

Mike has an impressive domestic and international experience in Environmental Services and Carbon Management. He has been the Executive Director of the Carbon Market Institute, the Australian Peak Industry Body for Carbon Professionals, and has worked as General Manager Global Operations for one of the world’s largest and most successful Carbon Developers. Mike has also been a Board Member of The International Carbon Reduction and Offset Alliance (ICROA) during his time working in the City of London and has worked with some of the largest UK carbon neutral businesses.

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